We understand that life happens outside of school hours.


Do you need care you can rely on for your children? We have After School Care services across Tasmania and Victoria. Most of these operate on-site at the schools. These services generally operate until 6 pm. However, some services operate until later. If your nominated school isn’t on our list for either Tasmanian or Victorian options we are happy to advise if we can offer an After School Care service at your child's school.

Skills for life with After School Care.

After school care.

Life Skills.

The learning doesn’t stop when children get to After School Care, it simply continues in a different way. Children learn important life skills such as decision making, problem solving, empathy, resilience and communication. Through activities creating art and craft, solving puzzles or playing sport children will also learn how to solve problems and be creative thinkers – skills that are useful throughout life.


Growth and Independence.

Learning to be responsible is a skill that takes time and plenty of practice. For our older children we will usually invite them to assist in running an activity or game or help with packing away items and cleaning up. All of these tasks help children to understand the role of responsibility away from their own homes.


Sharing Skills and New Friends!

It’s important for children to learn how to share and be part of a group. At After School Care with Stepping Stones they do both of these things on a regular basis. Plus the old saying “sharing is caring” stands true with kids learning empathetic skills while making friends along the way.